My sweet Grandma Betty lost her battle with cancer this afternoon. She beat breast cancer & stayed cancer free for 10 years but then it came back & she wasn't able to beat it this time. She was living in her home, with a little assistance, up until a week ago so this seems very sudden to me. I could not have asked for anything more from a grandma. She was very nice to everyone all of the time. I remember when Gavan & I got married he said that he had never know anyone as nice as her. She was a widow for about 40 years & I never knew her to be sad about it. Of course she missed my Grandpa but she made the best of what she was dealt & truly enjoyed her life to the fullest. She had 4 children, 10 grandchildren & 3 great-grandchildren with one more on the way & she absolutely loved each of us with her entire heart....there was no doubt. I will miss her a ton but I know I'll see her again one day!
4 weeks ago