1. Were you married at the time? Yes, for 4 years.
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? We had lost a baby about 5 months before this so we were VERY excited!
3. How old were you? I was 27 & Gavan was a month shy of 27.
4. How did you find out? We took a test at home together & it turned positive quickly!
5. Who did you tell first? Ummm......I think it was Doug & Dixie but they were sworn to secrecy!
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes we did. It was just Gavan & I at the ultrasound & then we told our separate families in fun ways.
7. Due date? December 15, 2007......Gavan's birthday!
8. Did you deliver late or on time? 4 weeks early
9. Did you have morning sickness? During the first trimester, I was sick off & on throughout the day. As long as I kept something in my stomach all day, it never made me sick enough to throw up.
10. What did you crave? Sonic cheeseburgers, chips & salsa
11. Who/what irritated you the most? My "irritable uterus" (as the hospital kept telling me) irritated me the most as it would contract from the smallest thing & sent me into pre-term labor at 29 weeks! Luckily, they stopped it but it kept me in the hospital for 12 days on bedrest & then home on bedrest for another 5 weeks!
12. What was your first child's sex? A sweet baby girl!
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout pregnancy? 32 pounds
14. Did you have any complications during pregnancy? Well, as I said above......I was on bedrest for a total of 7 weeks; went into pre-term labor at 29 weeks; delivered at 36 weeks; cord was around her neck but she perked up after several minutes
15. Where did you give birth? Lakeside Womens Hospital
16. How many hours were you in labor? About 3
17. Who drove you to the hospital? Gavan
18. Who watched? Gavan
19. Was it natural or c-section? Vaginal birth with my lovely epidural!
20. Did you take medication to ease the pain? Yes
21. How much did your child weigh? 5 lbs, 10 oz
22. Did your child have any complications? She was a little jaundice when we left the hospital & it just got worse from there due to my milk NEVER coming in & baby Jay was not getting enough to eat so she wasn't pooping so she wasn't getting rid of the bilirubin so she wasn't getting rid of the jaundice! She was hospitalized at 5 days old for 2 nights with an IV & was under the lights. After that, she's been SO healthy & has still not had a round of antibiotics to this day (knock on wood).
23. What did you name her? Jaylen Jane Byrd
24. How old is your first born today? Will be 14 months on Monday!
1 week ago
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