Is it me or do you ever feel like you need more than 24 hours in a day to get everything done that you feel like you need to do. That has been my feeling for the last couple of weeks. We're still finishing our kitchen but this week was so filled with other things we were required to do that the kitchen got put on the back burner. It's not really that big of deal in the grand scheme of things but I'm just tired of my house being a mess, my husband (& I) working non-stop from the minute we get home from our 8-5 jobs, Paisley (&I) not getting to walk, eating out or not as healthy food from the freezer, etc. G & I shook on it that the kitchen would be done before next weekend because my parents are coming down to move Myra into OC & we're celebrating mom's birthday at our house. So, IT WILL BE FINISHED! We've had a lake trip planned my Uncle Jeff & Aunt Elaine at Ft. Gibson Lake this weekend so we're leaving tonight to go there for the weekend, which will actually be great! We can have a relaxing weekend on the lake with the great food from Uncle Jeff! They spoil us when we come. Kody & Ginny & possibly Michael & Katie will be there too, depending on if Katie's sis has her baby or not! It could be any day. G is actually already in Tulsa at the PGA so I'm going to pick him up tonight after work. I'm sure he's loving it. We had a dr's appt yesterday which went really well. 3 weeks ago at my previous visit, I had actually lost several pounds so my doctor told me to eat. Well........I had gained almost 8 pounds! I couldn't believe it. Now I'm up to a total of 14 in this pregnancy which is just right, not too much or too little. So I guess I needed those 8 more! The heartbeat was good & just about the same as last visit's. We have another ultrasound schedule for the 30th of this month just to check the size & weight & cord & heartbeat & things. It is at the 24 week mark, which is where I lost Faith last time, so we're anticipating it & ready to get over that hump of the pregnancy. I'm feeling really good & the belly gets bigger everyday. She moves all the time & we've even seen her move by watching my belly. Pretty cool. Welp, have a great weekend! Pictures will come soon of the finished kitchen, I promise!!!!
2 weeks ago
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