Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Let me just tell you that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! The Excellence Playa Mujeres in Cancun was fantastic in every way so I highly recommend it if you are going anytime soon! We had good weather, were there a great amount of time, got caught up on some good sleep, ate great food, got sunburned......I really can't complain about one thing! I won't forget this birthday, that's for sure. Thanks Gavan for a wonderful surprise! The view from our room
Our room
Couch in our room
Our mini-bar that was stocked daily
On our balcony waiting for breakfast......we had room service breakfast every morning out here!
Eating lunch right next to the ocean

We watched lots of parasailers

View of the hammocks in the pool at night

We arrived on Mexico's Independence Day so there was a big party & buffet that night.....yummy!

Our 2nd day it rained on & off all day, so we camped out in this hut bed for a lot of the day. When the sun would come out, we'd just hop in the pool & then go back to reading when it started raining again. Not too shabby!

Our view from the beach

At the beach

Heading to dinner

We painted this bowl together one day right beside the pool......our souvenir.

Enjoying ourselves quite a bit!

We ate this appetizer at almost every meal.......SO GOOD!

Look at the crazy wax candelabra behind us! This was our last dinner of the trip....

Jaylen with her gifts we brought her.....a bracelet, doll & "shake-a-rockas", as she calls them! Rosson's gift was the blue one so he wasn't left out! We missed them quite a bit but had such a wonderful trip. Turning 30 wasn't bad at all!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

You only turn 30 once.....

Yep, that's right.....I'll be!
Friday is my birthday & Gavan surprised me tonight by telling me we were leaving for Mexico on Wednesday morning at 6 a.m.! Just the two of us relaxing for 5 days!
Happy birthday to me..........and Gavan cause he hits the big 3-0 in a few months too!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Almost 9 months....

My sweet boy will be 9 months in about a week! He had his check up yesterday & weighs 26.9 lbs & was 31.25 inches long. Both still right up in the 100%, like usual. He is so long......I'm a little hesitant to buy him 12 month pants cause they'll be too short before Winter! He has been battling congestion & coughing for over a week now & realized during the appointment that he had an ear infection too. First one for him & Jaylen still has never had one (knock on wood....). He is in the early stages of crawling but not "technically" crawling. He's starting to pull up on things up to his knees too. He says "Mama" & "Dada" all the time.......says Mama more too! He has 3 bottom teeth & really likes feeding himself anything I give him. He hasn't not liked one thing I've given him & loves all the baby food.
Gavan & I noticed a spot on his lower back, right below where his diaper rubs, that started as what I thought was dry skin. But it started changing & now it is 3 raised bumps that are about 2 inches wide all together. There is no color to it & it has a little blonde hair on it. We have an appointment with a dermatologist next month to take a look at it. Our pedi wasn't completely sure what it is so we're checking it out. It doesn't bother him & you wouldn't even notice it unless you felt it.

Anyways, Rosson is still such a sweet, sweet boy who is doing new things everyday & continuing to change constantly. He LOVES watching his big sis & likes to sit & play with her. She's pretty good with him but doesn't like it when he dumps out all the toys & makes a mess! I hope they grow up liking each other & are great friends (fingers crossed!).

Sweet Bubba Drew! Looks like such a big boy......

Friday, September 3, 2010

A little of this & little of that....

Can't believe that it is already SEPTEMBER! This month starts my favorite time of the year. My birthday is this month, followed by the rest of my family in Nov & Dec & then all the holidays in between! Not too mention Fall is my favorite season. Anyways, I just love everything that Fall brings, especially Pumpkin Spice cappuccinos! As usual, we have continued to stay busy each weekend but I think those are coming to end.......after we spend a long weekend in Tulsa for Labor Day. So here's a little picture recap of what we've been up to lately.

We've built forts.....
We went to the Hinton Fair and.......rode the carousel....

played the Duck game.....

tried to win a stuffed animal.....

got that stuffed animal.....(way to go Daddy!)

did some sidewalk chalk writing....

went to the lake & ......swam with daddy

high-fived on the boat....

actually enjoyed the boat this year (last year not so much).....

and of course, lots of coloring!

She wanted to go out in the pouring rain last night so we let was pretty funny! She had fun!
But it got cold pretty quickly!
Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!