I had a dr's appointment this morning with Dr. Huff & she said that everything is still going great! We heard Rosson's strong heartbeat & she said as of now he was head down so that is good. He moves around like crazy so he still could change positions but we'll see. She said today I measured about 2 weeks ahead (he could of been balled up making me bigger) so I guess he might be a little chunker! I'll have another ultrasound around 32 or 34 weeks to check his position & get a weight estimate too. Gavan is still giving me my progesterone shot every Tuesday night & yes, they hurt but if they are what is keeping me out of labor this time, then I'll keep doing them! I only have 6 left so that's the bright side of them! Here I am at 28 weeks, which is only the second prego pic I've taken during this pregnancy.....I've got to be better at that before he gets here!
3 weeks ago
Rosson is so cute!!
Great news! You look great too!
Let's do a maternity photo shoot! It would be so much fun and you could bring Jay!
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