We took Jaylen to see "Elmo & all his friends" last Sunday afternoon. We kept telling her she was going to see the real Elmo & she would add "and all his friends!". Nana & Papa came to keep Rosson while we went so it was just a date with us & Jaylen. Before the show, she was acting scared & unsure about all the people, the stage & big blue curtain. As soon as it started, she sat with Gavan & just stared at the characters dancing around & singing for about 10 minutes......no smiling or talking & she might not of blinked either. Then she really started to enjoy it & sat in her own seat snacking on her raisins. We went over to see Vivian at the intermission & snapped a few pics of the girls together. Overall, it was a good show & she really had a fun time!
2 weeks ago
All of the sudden one child seems really easy, huh? Tell your mom thank you soooo much for the pumpkin. Thanks to her we enjoyed pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for breakfast and lunch!
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