Just wanted to let everyone know that our ultrasound went great today & we found out we're having a little girl! G & I are very excited with the news & are glad we can finally call her a "her" & not an "it"! Dr. Huff said everything looks good with her & her progress. I am doing well too. I actually lost 2 pounds since last appointment, which is a little surprising. She asked me if I have been eating & I said "Umm....yes", because I feel like I'm always eating or snacking on something. I have been going, going, going the last 2 weeks so I'm not that surprised that I haven't gained anything. I'm going to take it easy on vacation & just rest up! We're leaving tomorrow evening for our vacation with Michael & Katie. We're heading to Minnesota to stay in our lake cabin for a week. It will be great to see all of our family up there & spend time with them. The drive won't be too fun but we're breaking it up so it shouldn't be too bad. So I guess this will be the last post for a week or so. Oh, I almost forgot. Amy had these cigars for me at work when I got back from the ultrasound today! She bought both colors to be prepared! Have a good week everyone!
1 week ago
I'm so excited for y'all! We find out what our little bean is in two weeks...then it will be really real! My grandparents are in Minnesota and my mom will be there the next week...if you see them say hi!
that was sweet of Amy to have the cigars there! I'm so excited for you!!!
Congrats!! We can't wait to meet her. Have fun on your vacation.
Yay! I'm so exited for you guys! Congrats! Maida can't wait to meet her new cousin! :o)
We are so excited for you!!!
Congratulations! Have fun on your vacation!
Congratulations! Girls are great!
I can't wait to be a grandmother for the second time. Faith is dear to me and this precious baby girl will be also. I am praying that God will bless you with a healthy baby this time around. You are going to be such a good mommy and daddy. I am very proud of your already and can't wait to see the fun things that you both and baby will be up to. I love you, Mother
Congratulations!!! We are all excited. Have a good vacation.
Yeah for GIRLS! I am happy for you. Aspen is sooo awesome and yours will be too. I want many more baby girls...Guy wanted a boy in the beginning but Aspen has Guy wrapped around her finger. WOW - We will keep the prayers going. Love you so much. Tell Michael and Katie Hi - nan
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