Well, I said that last week was going to be busy due to the VBS and yes, it was but this week is also very busy for us Byrds. By the way, the VBS went great & in the end we had 3 baptisms from the high school class. I think our class really had a lot of fun doing it eventhough it was hard work. This weekend we really started the renovation on our kitchen. We bought the sink, faucet & hardware on Saturday & have started to tackle the cabinets. We're stripping, sanding, priming, painting & distressing them! Yes, all of those steps. We really aren't sure what we are doing & we hope we are pleased in the end! It's sort of fun experimenting with them though! I think we've got it down but it's a process for sure. We're leaving for Minnesota for vacation on Friday so we're trying to have the cabinets & cabinet doors finished before we leave. The whole house is a mess, especially the kitchen, and I need to find something for us so eat for dinner tonight! It might be sandwiches again! So basically, I don't have time to blog much this week or next week cause we'll be gone & there's not internet access at the lake cabin. I will post Thursday night cause we have our doctor's appointment & we'll let all of you know if we're having a boy or girl! We're so excited! Just 3 more days! Well, I'm off to see if Gavan needs anything!
1 week ago
Yeah!!!! 3 More days!!!! What color are you painting your cabinets??
Hey Mel! I hope your cabinets are just about finished and that they haven't been too much trouble. I am so excited to find out about my niece or nephew tomorrow! I'm glad you are calling us and not waiting until we get to Wichita, otherwise I would have been tempted to check your blog tomorrow night anyway! Talk to you tomorrow! katie
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