So I hit enter after typing in the title of the post and it posted! So, where did the week go? I can't believe it's been a week since my last post. We officially have the kitchen done, or at least the major stuff. They only things we lack now are a switch plate cover, rugs and curtains, which will be coming soon. Last night we cleaned everything up as well as the rest of the house and I'm so loving it! I love a clean house, especially when I get finished doing it. It just feels good to know everything is clean! We are very pleased with how the kitchen turned out and can't believe that we did all the work! It was very time consuming but worth it. So, I treated myself to a delux spa pedicure today, since it is my afternoon off. G said I deserved it since I worked too hard, especially being a pregnant lady! I love pedicures. I wish I could have someone massage lotion into my calves and feet for like 5 hours. It's heaven! Now I'm just catching up on some emails and blogs and am just going to relax till G gets home. We're going to go see The Bourne Ultimatum tonight. I guess Matt Damon was in town for the premiere just walking around Bricktown or something. Too bad I didn't just happen to bump into him! The family is coming down this weekend too. We're celebrating mom's bday Saturday night & Myra is moving into OC on Sunday afternoon! We're so excited for her and she's excited to be here too! She's moving into the University House, which is pretty cool. Grandma's coming and everything. We're also going to a 75th birthday party/ family reunion Saturday afternoon for G's grandma's brother, not sure what he is to us, in Dover, OK at the community center. Should be fun. At least it is inside & we're having steaks for lunch! Not too shabby. The latest newsflash on the pregnancy is that my thighs are officially rubbing together at the top! Yep, real nice especially when its 101 degrees outside. Seriously, I know I'm gaining weight for my baby girl but are my thighs going to keep getting wider & wider? By December I'll only be able to wear a moo-moo probably! I know it'll all be worth it when I get to hold my little girl finally! Welp, I'm off to lounge for a little bit. Have a good weekend everyone. Do you really think it will rain? I hope so but I still think our shade grass is passed the point of no return. Once again, the Byrds have to fill their weekend with as much as we can. Will we ever slow down?
2 weeks ago
Slow down girl! You are making me tired just reading about what you are doing Pregnant! I'm glad you are doing well though. Guy and I always say prayers for your little family. Sorry about the thighs though. :-) I guess our pregnant bodies are a sign that its not about us anymore. I'm still trying to get mine where I want it...Yeah, its not cooperating real well. HAHA - love you, Nan
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