Well, I've made it to 31 weeks today, which is so great. We're hoping to get to 34 or 35 but we're just literally taking it a day at a time! Each day she can stay in is that much more development for her. It's been so nice to be at my home instead of the hospital. I really got to know lots of the nurses and they are all really nice but it's also nice to not have them coming into my room every hour! The pump and monitoring are continuing to work well and hopefully we can stay this way for several more weeks.
My couch is definately more comfortable than the hospital bed but my hips continue to get sore from laying on my side. I just continue to switch from hip to hip throughout the day. It's funny cause there were many, many days when I was having to get up to go to work and I just wished I could stay in bed and sleep but now I would love to be getting up and going to work! I'm afraid my leg muscles, what little muscles I actually had, are going to just start withering away due to the very little exercise they get. The only time they get used is when I get up to go to the bathroom. However, I do have to get up a lot cause of that but it's only about 20 steps to the bathroom from the couch! I'm going to have my work cut out for me after the baby comes to get my body built back up. I would for sure be winded if I tried to go outside and walk even 2 blocks right now. It's crazy. I know it could be much worse so for now I'll just enjoy all the movies and HGTV I can!
We've got a non-stress test, ultrasound and appointment with Dr. Huff all on Tuesday at the hospital at 11:00. It'll be a big outing for me but it will all be at the same place and I'll be laying down the entire time. We'll find out how much she has grown then too. She was 3 pounds at the last ultrasound, which will be 2 weeks ago on Tuesday. Pray for lots of weight gain! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. They are sure working cause I'm still pregnant! Have a good week.
3 weeks ago
I'm so glad you are home. We will keep praying! Let me know if you need anything!
hey melody. glad you are at home. i am praying for you. let me know if you need anything. i am at home all day and can usually get my mother-in-law to watch the kids.412-5686
that's becca debee by the way:)
Hey Mel, Jeremy and I started a blog, it's not very interesting, but I thought it would give you something else to read...jyoungfam.blogspot.com. Have a great day!
I've been thinking about you!!!! I'll call you tomorrow...I want to come see you this week at lunch!
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