Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!.......

First off, happy valentine's day to my sweet husband, Gavan and my adorable daughter, Jaylen. Gav, you are my rock, best friend, and soulmate and I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for making me who I am today, for loving me for so long and giving me Jaylen. I couldn't be happier at this point in my life. I feel as if everything is in place and couldn't ask for anything to change. You are my life.

Secondly, to change the subject...........could I lose anymore hair? Seriously. Handfulls fall out whenever I shower and blow dry it. It is driving me crazy cause its everywhere. It's always on my shirts and all over the bathroom floor. I guess that's what happens when you have a baby and your hormones are trying to get back on track!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Spend it with the ones you love.


Mandy said...

Yeah, my hair has just started to fall out too. I knew it would probably happen, but I don't like it! Hopefully we'll still have some left after it's done.

Kara Scharrer said...

Hey Mel! I lost a lot of hair too. It fell out until about 6 months after and now it's starting to grow back in... I don't know what's worse, losing the hair or having spikes. :o)