You know you are a mall walker when you have price tags stuck to the wheels of your stroller! Yesterday I kept noticing something white on one of the wheels and when I finally stopped to look, it was several price tags stuck together on the wheel. I'm sure it was from one of the baby stores in Northpark where I window shop. Such cute stuff but super expensive. I get lots of ideas to come home and try to make though! I also get a few dirty looks from some of the elderly people who walk out there. There are about 15-20 men & women over 60 who walk out there everyday and I'm just about the only one my age. I don't know if they don't like me walking faster than them or if it's the stroller or if they think that is their territory! Oh well, I don't mind the looks......its just funny.
I'm walking at Penn Square today cause we're meeting Gavan for lunch. It will be interesting there cause there will be so many more people. Oh stores to window shop at! Speaking of.......I better jet to meet him on time! Have a good hump day!
3 weeks ago
After Cooper comes if you ever want company on your walks I'd be more then happy to join you! Hopefully he'll be here soon! My mom and I walked 1 1/2 miles today to see if that would put me in, but it didn't work.
HAHAH - that is funny about mall walking. I think the same thing when I walk with Aspen there. I feel like I need to walk slowly as to not offend the older people there. You almost feel bad for wizzing by them! - Nan
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