Tuesday, April 15, 2008

V & W is for............West Virginia.

Yes, Gavan is in Charleston again today until Thursday night for work. It's so weird when he's gone cause I feel like a single mother. But today Jaylen and I went to visit Nana & Papa (his parents) and had a good day with them and Myra is staying the night tomorrow night so we'll have a little company. Before Gavan left I took some pics of Jaylen in her Chesapeake Energy onesie polo shirt. I put them in a little card for Gavan and tucked it in his suitcase to find when he gets there so he can show her off to his coworkers out there.

Chubby legs!

This bunny is so cute but she kept trying to eat it while I was taking her picture. When you squeeze its hands together it says the "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer in a little child's voice. So sweet.


Jessica said...

That outfit is adorable. I wish I looked that cute in a pole and miniskirt.

Sharbee said...

Love her outfit! Isn't it so fun to dress her!