Well, Jaylen has been trying to get her thumb in her mouth for quite a while now and she finally figured out how to isolate it and not get her whole hand inside. She sucks on her index finger sometimes too but I think she's going to prefer the thumb. We'll see.
Notice her hair coming in nicely too. I still think she might be a strawberry blonde.
Still doing the cereal thing but she's not liking it anymore and doesn't even really swallow much. After I put it in her mouth she usually just spits it right back out and gives me a big smile. Cute but no progress. It's only been a week so we'll keep trying and she'll figure it out. Here she is before we started eating. Happy as can be but quickly wanted her bottle and no cereal.Such a big girl
My life has gotten a little busier this week. I subbed this week at Edmond Church of Christ Sonshine School (sort of like a Mother's Day Out program) and am finishing the year for a girl who had surgery. I am on full time for the summer program in June and July and hopefully be on in the fall as well. I have twelve 2 1/2 year olds that I teach with another lady. I really enjoy it and the kids are so much fun. Jaylen goes to the nursery class and is doing ok but having a hard time adjusting to someone else take care of her and having lots of other kids/babies around. The ladies in the nursery are great and love having her cause she's the youngest and they other babies are about 15 months or so. But I can check on her when I want and get to see her several times during the day in the playroom so it's good.
So Mondays/Wednesdays I keep Vivian here at home, Tuesdays/Thursdays I teach at SSS and Fridays are now my days to spend with Jaylen and actually get some things done! I'm actually really enjoying getting back into work and having some adult time but still have Jaylen close. This fall I won't watch Viv anymore cause she is going to SSS as a student so I'll just work 2 days a week, which will be perfect. Jaylen & Viv will still get to see each other at school so that will be fun too.
Well, I'm off to bed now after a wonderful night of our favorite shows, except Grey's Anatomy........I'm kind of getting tired of all the stupid drama. It needs to take a turn for the better.
Love Jaylen's outfit! She smiles so sweet. I like her hair color.
My daughter wouldn't eat the cereal either, and my ped. said to mix it with baby fruit juice...and i did..and she LOVED it.
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