Monday, July 28, 2008


First off, happy birthday today to my cousin Kara! Hope you have a great day!

Secondly, we went to the lake on Saturday with Gavan's family and had a great time. It was pretty hot but we had a spot in the shade right by the water so it wasn't too bad. Jaylen enjoyed herself as always. Gavan is getting good on the wake board and I am at least improving on it. I actually got outside the wake, which is a big step for me. The nephews are awesome on the tube....their legs just flop up and down so much but they hang on for so long!

This is the only pic I got from the chubby girl!

My little but getting bigger 8 month old! She loves sticking that tongue out.

Oh yeah, I cut my hair last week and love it. Other news is that Jaylen is getting her 2nd tooth in on the bottom. She's been doing great with it except her nose is like a faucet and I wish she could actually blow it. Thank goodness I have the suction bulb from the hospital......they are the best ones. This is my last week of Sonshine School for the summer and also my last week of working 4 days a week with watching Viv and SSS. In August, I'll just watch Viv 2 days a week and then in September I'll just have SSS 2 days a week. Can't believe it's almost August! Crazy.

Well, I better get back to the babies........they actually sort of play together now which is fun to watch. Have a good Monday.


Kara Scharrer said...

Thank you for the birthday wish!!! :) I did have a wonderful day!

I really enjoy your pictures of your "chubby girl," cause that's exactly what Maida looked like last year! I miss the chub!!!