We have decided to sell our home so if you or anyone you know is interested, let me know! We absolutely love our home, location, neighbors, etc but it's time to move on! We are selling it for sale by owner so comment or shoot me an email at melodyjanebyrd@yahoo, if you want more info!
1 week ago
good luck on selling your house. Have you found another one yet?
Where are you planning to move to?
Your house looks great!
Not to deter you or change your mind, but we miss the Village so much! If it wasn't for the school situation, I'd move back in a minute.
Good luck - looks great on the slide show!
We are about to put our house on the market...i am impressed w/ your slide show. it looks great! Do you want to buy our house :)?
My friend Haley is good friends with a couple who looked at your house and really liked it. Lauren and Will (maybe??) from Henderson Hills Church. Anyway Haley said that they really like it and are really thinking about it!!
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