First off, CONGRATS to Clay & Vanessa on the birth of Cooper Thomas today! He is a healthy baby boy.....8 lbs. 14 oz & 22 inches long! I've already got to love on him a bit. Such a sweet baby.....of course I forgot my camera when I went to see him.
If you are staying home for 3-4 days straight, you've got to build a fort or tent, right?! I loved making huge, extravagant tents when I was little so I thought Jaylen needed to experience her first tent. I was going to just do a blanket over a card table but I can't seem to find mine. So, if I have loaned it to you, will you let me know! I have no idea where it is! Her crib & some chairs did just fine though. She enjoyed the tent and of course, Paisley had to come see what the fun was all about as well!
1 week ago
Man, Melody.....she is a little Gavan clone. I can't get over it. I love her so much because she reminds me of Raegan at that age. Just so content to NOT be walking. You have to put a video on here of her first steps. We'll have a party!
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