Sunday, April 8, 2007


I can't believe that it actually snowed on Easter weekend. Of course nothing stuck to the ground but snow flurries were flying around for a while. My parents came down Friday night and then all 4 of us went to Lookeba for Easter weekend at the Byrds. We had a great time. Mom & Dad got to see our nephews & neice who they hadn't seen in quite a while. It's always a good time when those boys are around. Keeps everyone on their toes and laughing & the things they will say! This pic is of the boys and Gavan & his dad. Fun, fun. My heart goes out to Zach & Haley and the loss of Harper. My prayer for them is for peace & comfort in their hearts. God has her home with Him now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. Hello Monday morning.


suzspeaks said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend! Wow...that's a lot of boys! They are super cute!

Have a good week!! Love you@!