Ok, so I think I had some early nesting going on tonight. Isn't nesting the time during your pregnancy where you just stay home & clean, clean, clean & do random things that needed to be done for a while? Well, I guess I was in that sort of mood tonight. I'm usually pooped after I get home from work & just want to eat dinner then lounge around all night but Gavan is out golfing tonight with his buddies & I'm home alone. The nursery has turned into a junk room in the last 6 months. It had so much stuff piled around that needed to be put somewhere but I just wasn't sure where that somewhere was. Guess what, I found places for pretty much everything tonight. My sister-in-law GayLyn gave me a bunch of stuff this weekend so I went through that. It had lots of clothes from the boys & some other stuff like blankets, coats, toys, feeding stuff, etc. I guess going through it made me want to get the nursery looking more like a nursery again. I sort of want to put the crib back up but it's too early. We're going to wait & put it up after we find out what we are having. So nonetheless, I'm sitting down finally to blog tonight & I'm feeling like I deserve a fudgesickle for my work tonight! Anyways, I've got some laundry to tend too so I better keep this short. Oh, by the way, I had a good day today. Tuesdays are much better than Mondays!
2 weeks ago
Hey Mel! Thanks for writing. It does sound like you are doing the nesting thing. I did that too, but I get in crazy moods now, and before the baby where I just clean and need organization. maybe its just a "girl" thing.? I'm glad the pregnancy is progressing well. I pray for you so much and admire your strength. I can't wait to find out what you are having...Love you girl - Nan
I need to get pregnant so I can start nesting. Our house seriously needs it!
Hey Melody, I was reading on your baby blog and I thought that hearing about your neighbor lady and the dentures was soooo funny! That's just great! Now that you're starting to show, you'll have to post pictures! I did the nesting thing too when I was pregnant and I wish that I could "nest" again now cause my house is a mess!!
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