Ok, for some reason it won't let me title this post so oh well. Wow this is a busy week! Our class at church is putting on a VBS at an inner city church in OKC this week until Thursday. We have to be there by 6 which means as soon as I get home from work I quickly change clothes & then hop in the car to get down to the church. It's been a great success the last 2 nights but I'll be glad when we're finished! It just makes for a really long 4 days which is why this post will be short & sweet. It's actually a really good opportunity to spend time with our other classmates as well as the kids. I know we're making an difference in at least 1 of those children's lives. So many of them need to find God & hopefully we're getting the message to them in some way. Please pray for us to be successful in showing them Christ through our teaching & actions. Well tomorrow is hump day which is always good, & my mother-in-law is taking me out to lunch! Thanks Bev! I'm off to bed now.
1 week ago
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