Friday, March 7, 2008

J is for....................Jaylen!

Our precious little angel who is almost 4 months old!

I know I said I wasn't going to use people for all my letters but I couldn't pass up this one! I snapped this earlier this week after we got home from some errands. She looked so peaceful in her seat. She really doesn't mind it and falls asleep most of the time we're in the car. We'll see how she does tonight as we drive to Little Rock. The trip is about 5 1/2 hours long and we'll stop for dinner and she'll eat too. Hopefully she does good but it could be a VERY long trip if she's cranky, which isn't that often. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


DeeDee said...

love those cheeks!

Emily said...

I'm jealous of her eyebrows. They make her eyes look so pretty. Kendall has zero eyebrows...all of her hair is on top of her head.

Heidi said...

Jaylen does look sweet as can be. Hope the road trip was pleasant. Love youguys. Heidi