Wednesday, March 12, 2008

L is for................. Locked in the shed

I thought long and hard about posting this due to embarrassment. So go ahead and laugh at me while I can't hear you............

(this is not our shed but pretty close........ours at least has one tiny window)

I was in the middle of baking some cookies & ran out of flour (of course, that always happens) so I called Gavan and asked to pick some up since he was on the way home from work. While I was on the phone he asked me to run out to the shed and look at what kind of grass seed we had from last year. Jaylen was happy in her bouncy seat so I ran out to the shed. I stepped just inside and looked for the seed and was reading off the label to him when the wind slammed the door shut and locked itself on the outside. We keep a padlock on it and usually put it through the hole to keep the door from closing but this time in was still in my hand! Luckily I was on my cell so I could tell someone that I was locked inside! Gavan just laughed and said I'll be there in a couple minutes.

I freaked out cause: 1) I'm locked in the shed! 2) Jaylen is inside all by herself (at least she was safe) 3) there was no wind in there & only a little window to peak out of. It was the longest 4 minutes of my life! Paisley kept sniffing the door and pawing at it. I tried to tell her to open the door but she's not that smart of a lab! Needless to say, I was fine; Jaylen was fine & Gavan just laughed and said only me would this happen to!

Yes, this just happened yesterday afternoon. Yes, I learned my lesson to put the lock back on the door. Yes, I'm smarter than a 5th grader.


suzspeaks said...

that is funny! I could totally see that happening to me too!

Amy said...

At least it wasn't the trash again!!! haha

Heidi said...

Melody- what a blessing that you were on the cellphone! That happened to me and Hayli once too. Only we were 7 and 5 years old and locked in my great grandparents outhouse at their farm. We were stuck there with the daddy long legs spiders for 30minutes before anyone missed us!

Oh yeah- and Hayli's freshman year she got locked in the OC library stairwell when they closed and she had to call OC security from the emergency phone to come get her out. That was way embarrassing!

Miss you guys- Heidi